New Year = New Goals

As 2023 comes to a rushing close, I find myself thinking about all the changes I've made over the last year (last few years, really). The biggest change that happened in 2023 was that Colin and I bought our first house, an early 80s split level in a nice neighborhood. When we bought the house, most of the issues were merely cosmetic, but shortly after moving in we found the real problems - a broken well pump and a leaky foundation being the first two to rear their ugly heads, followed up by a testy boiler and a mystery leak in the upstairs bathroom. But all houses have problems, right? We're still very happy with our choice, especially given the garbage market we found it in.

At the moment, I'm sitting in bed in my new master bedroom - a "master" bedroom that still somehow reminds me of my college apartment. While I've grown and changed into an adult woman with a husband, two kids, and a teaching career, there are parts of me that will probably never change. A lack of interior decorating skills is one of them. But a skill that has grown and changed over the years is my aptitude for sewing, particularly garment sewing. I've made quite a few things for my kids over the last year, a handful of things for my husband, and a growing collection of handmade clothes for myself. Most recently, I made a reversible Christmas corset top and a set of Hogwarts robes for my kids and husband. I'm starting to understand garment construction with ease, making patterns much less intimidating and way more fun. 

For the last few years, instead of writing New Years resolutions, I've come up with a word to emphasize each year. Last year it was "purpose," and the year before it was "minimize." I definitely struggled with the word minimize, but I think I hit purpose much more precisely last year. Without really thinking about it, I slowed down random shopping, instead heavily considering the usefulness of each item before I bought it. I can't say I was perfect (I am still a Target victim), but I improved. A lot. 

For 2024, I've come up with "explore." Most of my life, I've wanted to make a living out of being an artist. Painting, writing, blogging, YouTube - you name it, I've "explored" the idea, but never been successful with it. Most of that, I think, is fear. In 2024, I want to explore the idea of becoming a YouTuber, but I want to keep it merely at the idea of exploration. Assuming I will not make any money at all, I want to keep things fun. Maybe as I grow my video skills, I'll also grow a channel into a business, but if I don't, that'll be okay. 

What's your word for 2024? Share below!
